
3 Ways To Impress Buyers When Selling Your Home


18,  2022

#1 Impress Them with  Photography 

We live in a fast media heavy, internet driven world. There was a time when incredibly high quality photos were reserved only for luxury million dollar homes. Well, this is no longer the case. A great listing photo could sell your house. Your home is just like every other house on the market right now. Most potential buyers will

give your home one look, and that look will be online. Every detail you show in your photos is one more reason that buyers will use to differentiate between your house vs your competition. You want attention when selling a home and photos are a great way to achieve it.

#2 Impress Them with Videos 

Just like photos, videos are an extra edge I use vs my competition.

Before I put a house in the market, I download a video to YouTube with the address of the house as the title for the video. A few days

later, when you put your house in the market and your listing is picked by all the aggregators like Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com...Etc. Your video will compete strongly on 1st page of Google because it came first.

You want to control what buyers are seeing about your listing and not just to be one of thousands out there with the same canned message.

Maxus Realty Group Agents are local specialists with knowledge to help you buy and sell the right home, at the right price.

We are passionate about you as a client, we will always protect your best interests just because it's the only way we do business day in and day out.

Today, we'll talk about  3 Ways To Impress Buyers When Selling Your Home

The sale of your home isn’t quite as simple as sticking up a ‘for sale’

sign and waiting for the buyers to come to you. Here is an overview of

3 things you can do to impress homebuyers: 

#3 Impress them with Your Brochure 

You want to control what buyers are seeing about your listing and not just to be one of thousands out there with the same canned message.

This is why I create a very detailed brochure for all my listings. I want to give them reasons why they should choose to buy my house over others.

Marketing is about conveying a message and amplifying your selling points better than your competition...a brochure will give you both.

Our commitment as your real estate professional is to help you find your dream home at the right timing for you.

It's the biggest purchase of your life, and can assure you that even small mistakes can be costly.  BEWARE, technology changes almost daily and I can help you pinpoint all the homes for sale near your location points. I have access to over 18 million properties from hundreds of locations, including Government  properties, action homes, VA homes, HUD Properties and all available private houses for sale in between.

Please call us to get started

Fernando Herboso Broker 301-246-0001