5 Mistakes First Time Home Buyers Make Most Often


18,  2022

1. Getting a Pre-Approval

Many people assume they will find the perfect house and sign the contract. While this is a mistake most buyers make, you should get approved first  before you can decide which house you want to buy. 

2. Getting A Better Mortgage Rate Quote

Getting a mortgage quote from just one lender may seem time-consuming...but is necessary. There is a lot of competition out there for the best rates and terms. Make sure you have chosen the most cost-efficient mortgage for you...not the lender. 

3. Deciding That you "DO NOT" Need a Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents are consultants that will advise you on the best course of action. Not only do they know about the process of buying a home but, a good real estate agent will save money by handling the process expertly to your favor. Having a real estate expert in your side will help you achieve all your real estate goals...with no problems or stress.

Buying your first home is exciting, but it can be a little stressful when you do not have a direct plan. 

If you want to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible, 

These are the 5 Mistakes First Time Home Buyers Make Most Often: 

4. Buying a Home that You Can Afford

Be sure you take in consideration any other monthly expenses that may also be added to your mortgage payment. This includes taxes, HOA fees, CONDO fees, maintenance fees and the potential for increased utility costs.

5. Home Inspection Waiver

Home inspections are there to protect home buyers from serious issues with the home’s structure or other systems. During the home inspection, you’ll receive a report with any potential issues or defects in the home, Your real estate agents should use the report to negotiate the necessary repairs or get credit by reducing the price of the house. 

Buying a house is an important decision, and you should make sure that you have a solid understanding of how the process works. Your real estate agent is there to protect your best interests and to make sure you avoid these five common mistakes.

Our commitment as your real estate professional is to help you find your dream home at the right timing for you.

It's the biggest purchase of your life, and can assure you that even small mistakes can be costly.  BEWARE, technology changes almost daily and I can help you pinpoint all the homes for sale near your location points. I have access to over 18 million properties from hundreds of locations, including Government  properties, action homes, VA homes, HUD Properties and all available private houses for sale in between.

Please call us to get started

Fernando Herboso Broker 301-246-0001