
How you can use the appraisal gap to help you buy a house with competing offers? 


24,  2022

You may have different opinions on the value of a property. You can find out how much it is worth by getting different estimates from three different professionals.

An appraiser is someone who determines the current market value of a property by using  recently sold properties to help determine a home's value. Those are called "comparables"They break down the components of each comparable property sold to arrive at an estimated value of the home.

How do Appraisal Contingencies Work When You're Purchasing a Home?

If the home appraises at a lower value than expected, the buyer and lender can withdraw from the contract. This is a great way to get out of a contract if you do not have the money to buy the property.

Remember, the property must appraise for the value of the purchase price or higher.

What is an Appraisal Gap Clause, and How Does It Work?

The buyer will pay for the gap between the contract price and the appraised value.If the property appraises for less value, then the purchaser must pay the difference

Maxus Realty Group Agents are local specialists with knowledge to help you buy and sell the right home, at the right price.

We are passionate about you as a client, we will always protect your best interests just because it's the only way we do business day in and day out.

Today, we'll talk about  How you can use the appraisal gap to help you buy a house with competing offers? 

What's an Appraisal? 

An appraisal is a valuation of a property by a licensed real estate appraiser. A mortgage lender hires an appraiser for their mortgage application to determine the value of the property

The bank will lend money to the buyer for the purchase of the house, assuming the property is valued at a certain price. The bank will take the house as collateral for the loan.Mortgage lenders use appraisers to assess what the value of a property… to see if it is worth enough to lend money to buy. This helps to safeguard the bank from lending too much money to a property which is not worth the contract price.

How you can use the appraisal gap to help you buy a house

If you are looking to buy a home, you may want to take advantage of this strategy when you have several competing offers. On a  “seller’s market”, homes are in high demand and sellers are eager to unload their properties for the highest price.

Your offer is more valuable to them because it assures them that they could get more money than their house is worth.A buyer can make an offer with a lower purchase price, but the offer is enticing because of the appraisal gap. The buyer does not have to guarantee that they will pay for "ALL" the difference, you can put a "stop gap" of $5,000 for example What this allows you to do is getting your offer accepted amongst other offers by enticing the seller's with more money.Other offers may be higher than yours, but yours gives them a guarantee that they will receive more money if the house's value is less.

When you buy a house, it is best that you talk to an experienced agent to give you the extra edge to get your offer accepted. 

Our commitment as your real estate professional is to help you find your dream home at the right timing for you.

It's the biggest purchase of your life, and can assure you that even small mistakes can be costly.  BEWARE, technology changes almost daily and I can help you pinpoint all the homes for sale near your location points. I have access to over 18 million properties from hundreds of locations, including Government  properties, action homes, VA homes, HUD Properties and all available private houses for sale in between.

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